I joined the Institute of Advanced Motorists when petrol was on ration, because of the Suez crisis. They issued this coupon dated April 1957 to enable me to take the test.

I joined the HPC in 1972. To qualify you had to complete a four day course driving exotic cars like a Ford Capri 3.3 litre (specially bored out), a Jensen Interceptor and a Porsche 911. This was in before the 70 mph speed limit came into force and I remember hitting 148 mph on the M40 with a police instructor sitting alongside me.
My next venture was into coach driving and you will have seen the Public Service Vehicle licence on the home page. To borrow a coach and do that, I had to pay back by driving people from Beddau to Ponypridd on a regular service a few times.
From there I turned towards HGV and the first problem is to borrow a large juggernaut. I did this by signing up to a training course in Cardiff and passed on the second day of the course.
Many years later I managed to borrow a truck and take the Advance Motorists test on an articulated 48 ft long 40 ton truck. So those are the licences. Elsewhere (see"Truck Driving") you might wish to read about my journey to Teheran in 1976.
I have continued with the Institute of Advanced Motorists and taken various refresher and additional test, unusually every fifth year or so. These include the 'First Register' which is only open to members who take a further test. Some years after that they introduced the 'Masters' examination which is said to be similar to a Police Class 1 certificate. I passed that test and have renewed it as recently as March 2019 so was reading the text books if I'm still able at 82 to maintain the high standard required.
After a three hour intensive drive I passed again, but not with a distinction this time.